5 Sudden Adult Acne Causes

We all know that when it comes to acne, it's just a teenager thing and it's something we'll naturally grow out of. By why are more and more adults still dealing with acne? Why are people that never had acne growing up suddenly developing it when they're well out of the normal age range to get it.

If you're one of those out of luck people that have adult acne, then you're probably chomping at the bit trying to discover some real ways to get rid of your acne fast and be done with it once and for all. I know I was! I had acne for nearly 10 years of my life, well into my adult years, and I couldn't find any ways to get rid of it, no matter what I did.

If you are struggling with adult acne, you are not alone. It’s important to note the following:

Nearly 25% of adults between the ages of 25-40 have an acne recurrence and struggle to cope. Although acne strikes adult women at a greater rate than men, men tend to have more severe and longer lasting breakouts than women; because of higher levels of testosterone that men have.

sudden adult acne causes

Adult acne is no indication of poor hygiene. The acne is a result of sebum, an oily substance produced by fat glands, which gets trapped in the hair follicle.

Adult acne should be treated differently than teenage acne. Adult skin is more fragile and dry and cannot handle the harsh cleansing agents contained in teenage products.

What are sudden adult acne causes?

  1. Stress: Scientific research indicates that "increased acne severity" is significantly associated with increased stress levels. It’s important to find ways to cope with stress, to prevent a hormonal imbalance which may lead to outbreaks.
  2. Bad cosmetics: Watch out for cleansers, moisturizers, makeup, and hair care products that are not acne-friendly. Certain products, especially those with an oil-base, can block pores and create an impaction within the follicle. Avoid oily products and throw out old brushes.
  3. Hormones: Adult onset acne most commonly affects women. Sharp hormonal fluctuations often occur during ovulation and menstruation, pregnancy, pre-menopause, and menopause. It can also be caused by using certain birth control medications. Women may see their acne suddenly develop, or worsen, during these periods of life.
  4. Heredity: The tendency to develop acne runs in families. A family history of acne is associated with an earlier occurrence of acne and an increased number of acne lesions
  5. Medications and conditions- The use ofsteroids, certain birth control treatments, hormone therapies and other medications can also cause acne breakouts.