8 Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne

The world is full of shrubs and trees to the ecosystem balance and contributes to the global supply of clean air. Surprisingly, many of these plants contain substances that can cure a long list of diseases, including conditions that interfere with many of the world's population - acne. Herbal remedies for acne virtually everywhere. Some of them may be in your garden, while others may be lying in your closet.

Acne herbal remedies are considered more useful and safer for skin problems that other treatment methods. There are a number of herbal remedies that can help get rid of your acne and have clear skin and beautiful once again. Because natural ingredients are used in this, they do not have after effects. Unlike herbal remedies for acne are full of side effects, herbal treatment are safe.

Herbal Remedies for Acne

natural herbal remedies for acne
Aloe Vera
Documented the use of aloe vera in the world of natural medicine. Extract is said to cure and prevent various diseases. Acne happens to be on that list. To turn it into a drug severe acne, the application of large amounts of aloe vera on the affected area regularly. Rinse with warm water after application.

In the film, the women of the star represents often put cucumber slices on your face before going to bed, that looks fun. This action, which turns out, is no laughing matter. Cucumber is one of the herbal remedies for acne herbal known. Juices that hydrate the skin, while reducing acne gradually.

Tree Oil
The natural oils of some trees have healing properties, used to treat severe acne. Once applied, skin peeling oil. Acne finally calmed down. Not all trees, however, qualify as an herbal remedy acne. A good example is the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia, and cousins. A visit to a specialist shop will give you an idea that can be used to extract tree.

Tomato juice
Using tomato juice to get rid of acne may sound silly, but many people have been treating acne with him. Tomato juice is quite acidic, damaging pimples and pustules, send them through the constant application. Besides being effective, it is one of the herbal remedies for acne that are easy to get.

If tomato juice is difficult acne, lemon juice is outrageous when it comes to being severe acne medication. With a high level of acidity, you can eliminate acne in days. Lemon becomes one of the best herbal remedies for acne (dry skin).

Licorice root
Licorice root has an impressive list of use is well documented and probably one of the most overlooked of all herbal remedies. It is used for many ailments like asthma, baldness, bursitis, depression, colds and flu, chronic fatigue, body odor, coughs, dandruff, emphysema, gingivitis and tooth decay , gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, menopause, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tendinitis, tuberculosis, enlargement of the prostate, ulcers, yeast infections, and arthritis. It has been very effective for medicinal use for hundreds of years. This root fights inflammation, which in turn will prevent acne outbursts.

Olive leaf
Olive leaf is an antioxidant herbal based delicious and powerful. Olivus, capsules, powder, extract, lotion and soap made from olive leaf and olive leaf extract. This license is made from natural ingredients that can fight disease, malaria and cough. Many ancient peoples in many cultures have been used to cure different diseases. Extracts of this license may also be used in solving problems related to skin and acne breakouts.

Green tea

The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Able to cure acne naturally with elements such as green tea extract has become popular in recent years. Natural acne cures are generally a lot less expensive than traditional over-the-counter acne medications and tend to produce the same results clearing the skin without causing further irritation to the skin.