Acne Conglobata Causes and Treatment

Acne conglobata is one of the most rare and severe forms of acne vulgaris. In addition to the symptoms or manifestations of common acne, such as blackheads and whiteheads, these common skin disease is also characterized by the presence of pus-filled lesions that eventually cause deep scars. This form of acne is a serious skin disease that must be examined by a specialist and, most often, require aggressive treatment to prevent it from deteriorating. Beside causing discomfort, the disease is known to be painful, especially when the lesions are broken.

The face, buttocks, chest and back are the most common areas that may be affected by this acne. Because it is very inflammatory disease of the skin can cause keloids and ultimately disfigurement in extreme cases. It often begins in the skin; therefore, their scars often appear as interconnected burrows. This type of acne is often discriminatory against men. Young men aged 18 and 30 suffer from this common form of acne, even if their symptoms can remain visible even when the victim has reached the age of 40.

Acne Conglobata Causes

acne conglobata causes treatment
The exact cause of acne conglobata is unknown. However, some experts suggest that the disease is often preceded by manifestations of these common acne, pimples and blisters cysts. As a dormant volcano that erupts suddenly, this skin condition can also occur from acne that did not show symptoms in the past years. This severe form of acne is often associated with increased levels of testosterone, anabolic steroid abuse, and any other condition that causes the body to produce more androgens.

Despite its severity, this acne is not known to cause death or other life-threatening conditions. However, this disease is known to kill the self-esteem of their victims. In fact, long-term physical hardships caused by the disease become more bearable than the mental and emotional that people suffering from this terrible skin disease have to endure torture. The victims of this type of acne are often rejected by others, making them feel like lepers in your community and even in their own homes.

Acne Conglobata Treatment 

Many treatments have been tried to stop this dermatological problem. Several antibiotics are known to have positive effects against the disease, despite his administration often requires the supervision of a doctor. Erythromycin and tetracycline antibiotics are commonly used to treat the disease with dapsone as greater problem when the option becomes resistant to treatment.

Isotretinoin is the most popular treatment. Isotretinoin, a retinoid, is a drug against cancer that has also been proven effective against serious skin diseases. The administration of isotretinoin can sometimes be difficult to swallow for those who suffer because of his knowledge pill, and sometimes permanent side effects such as hair loss and bone disease. There are other treatments for this type of severe acne, including laser radiation and carbon dioxide.

Prevention is always the best medicine. Therefore, it is important to always be on the lookout for any symptoms of the disease. Because acne conglobata is a treatable disease, it would be better to kill by taking immediate in onset of symptoms measures.